TMJ Explained: VideoThis is a great video on TMJ to explain the issue.
Normal TMJ MovementGreat video showing normal TMJ movement.
TMJ Non-Reducing Disc DisplacementThis is a example of non-reducing disc displacement.
TMJ Disc Discplacement with ReductionThis video shows disc displacement with reduction.
Does Personality Play a Role in Fascia?Elisha Celiste from explores the role of personality in fascia.
Relieve 'Text Neck' and TMJExercises from Mobility Mastery help relieve stress and work-related pain including headaches, "text neck" and other pain.
Quad and Hip Flexor Release
Video: What is Myofascial Release?
Relieve Headaches, Neck Pain and Shoulder Tension
Pelvic Floor Anatomy |
The Pelvic Diaphragm |
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(601) 420-0717 |
113 West Jackson St. Ste #1A Ridgeland, MS 39157 |
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